Ingredients Oil 2 onions, sliced Brisket 2 carrots, cut in pieces 2 stalks celery, cut in pieces 6 potatoes, peeled and cut up 1 can Mushroom and tomato sauce, i.e.Rokeach Salt and pepper
Instructions In small amount of oil, saute sliced onions til golden. In same pan with onions, brown brisket quickly on both sides. Add all other ingredients and about 1 cup water. Use water to wash out can from sauce. Bring to a boil and reduce heat and simmer for about 2 hours. Taste for seasonings. Remove meat and slice. Return meat to sauce and put in oven for about an hour. Time in oven is not crucial. It cannot be too long. You can serve as is or take all or some of the vegetables and puree them and return to the sauce. This will thicken your sauce with adding flour or such.
Description The old fashioned way and still marvelous.
My sister-in-law, Judy Bernstein