Ingredients 2 loaves Frozen white Bread, Defrosted,partially 1 stick butter or margarine, Melted 1 cup Sugar, white or brown or mixed 2 tablespoons cinnamon Chocolate chips, Optional raisins, nuts
Instructions Cut each partially defrosted dough into about 14 pieces. Mix melted butter, sugar and cinnamon. Dip each piece of dough in mixture and place in tube pan(One piece pan- Do not use one with removable bottom.) Sprinkle raisins or whatever you choose over pieces. Cover with towel and allow to rise about 8 hours. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Turn out on dish. Pull apart. Do not cut.
Description Assembled the night before, the smell of bread baking is wonderful in the morning.
This tastes best while hot. Prepare the night before.
Notes Use this as base and then use your imagination. Nutmeg can be added. Raisins are most common addition. Sometimes, raisin bread is available.
Source Judy Bernstein, my sister in law with my maiden name.