Ingredients 1 large challah 6 eggs 4 cups milk 4 tbsp unsalted butter plus 1 tbsp for cooking the apples 1 tbsp cinnamon 2 tsp vanilla 2 apples, cored and chopped 1/3 cup honey Maple syrup to drizzle on top
Instructions 1. Preheat your oven to 350°f / 180°c. 2. Slice up a large challah then cut into cubes. 3. In a large bowl stir together the eggs, milk, 4 tbsp of butter, cinnamon and vanilla. Whisk well. 4. Stir in the challah cubes and make sure they're all covered in the mix. Let the challah absorb the egg mixture while you cook the apples. 5. Add 1 tbsp of butter to a pan over medium heat. Add the cored and chopped apples and the honey. Mix occasionally until softened, about 10 mins. 6. Grease a large baking dish with butter. Add the soaked challah and use the back of a spoon to press it down. 7. Pour the apples on top. 8. Bake for 45 mins.
Description This make a very nice brunch dish.
Jamie Geller
Notes This was shown as a dish for Rosh Hashanah, but it is too good to save for just the holiday.