Ingredients 1 pound dry-roasted salted peanuts 1 pound dry-roasted unsalted peanuts 8 oz. walnuts, chopped 1 bag peanut butter chips, (10 oz.) 1 bag dark chocolate chips, (12 oz.) 4 oz. German chocolate bar, chopped
Instructions 1. Place all peanuts in the bottom of slow cooker. 2. Cover with walnuts, peanut butter chips, chocolate chips and German chocolate. 3. Cover slow cooker and cook on LOW for 1 1/2-2 hours, or until melted. 4. Stir everything together, making sure nuts are thoroughly coated in chocolate. 5. Cover again and continue cooking on LOW for another 30-40 minutes. 6. Use a small ice cream scoop or tablespoon to scoop equal mounds of chocolate mixture onto a parchment-lined baking sheet (or into cupcake wrappers). 7. Let dry at room temperature until completely set and hardened. 1-2 hours. 8. Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight container.
Description Who would believe candy in the slow cooker
3 dozen
Notes Can you imagine? Candy in the slow cooker. How easy can it get to produce an absolutely delicious treat? I gave these in colored cellophane bags for holiday gifts.
Source 12 tomatoes